Thursday, July 27, 2006

Secondhand God

"Why not meet God directly? Why take someone else's story about hearing someone else's story as your own religious experience? If you are inclined to meet God why not go out and look the fellow up? Why take some else's word for what God is like?"

Substitute 'God' for 'Being an Artist', being a writer, a dreamer, even being a person. When I watch my fellow humans still bowing before an old man in white robes in Rome, supposedly the embodiment of God's will on earth,l marvel at the structures humans live within and call real. It could only ever work if in the infinity of lifetimes , this was but one, yet I still question if ego development and the experience of the earth plane requires such bizarre beliefs regarding the nature of self. Could we not have incarnated with with a little more awareness of where we are from and what we are ,intact?

A reason I have taken the study of dream art science enthusiastically ,is that it is my sure through-route to the Self that I am pre and during this incarnation. Much as dream symbology interests me ,if it were only that, I could as well spend my time reading the symbology of the stars. This experience and plane incarnation ...seems to be a grand exercise in forgetting. I am coming to a personal conclusion that this forgetting does not enhance the process. I am inclined to think rather, that 'it must have seemed like a good idea at the time'.

I read Seth again and again .I marvel at what I read today that was 'not' there yesterday. In truth I know it is an aspect of me that is here today that I was unaware of yesterday. Listening to a favorite raging debate yesterday evening ' The role of the modern artist in society today' , it felt like a dream I walked in or woken up within ,It certainly had something of the surreal to it.

They/we were arguing for _something_ , the right to _something_? But what? What were the rules in an age of 'Me-Art' and Me-Artists' one man spat out that the artists of his age ( as in the Now) had become 'imbecilic narcissists' . He was not without support. Yet what was his case, other than that increasingly artists chose to create as they chose, not according to some dusty Greek cannon , not as ordained by Papaji in the white robes in Rome and not according the elitism of The Academy.

The desire for Self expression is sufficient cause for the modern artist to put paintbrush to canvas and many no longer feel an obligation to society or a great need to be understood by the viewer .Their status as Artist is legitimized by themselves Their art has become as personal as their dreams and who really looks to another to tell one how to dream..or how to know God? Some do I know , but there is a distinct 'no vote' in some when it comes to being told-be an Artist thus or know God thus.

Who or what will tell and guide the artist?. How is she to create if she or he does not even have the humility to understand that she or he is 'divinely inspired,and gifted'.The booming voice of Authority states: "No Artist creates", it is all down to God through her, God's gifts bestowed upon her. The thread in last evenings debate was an empassioned plea for The Artist to know her place.The debate, at its core says - we do not create our reality -, not our own art,not even the textures and colors of our own lives . We exist but only by the Grace of God. But what if that idea of God in dead? How is the 'idea of God' compatible with Ycyor?

To know oneself as responsible for creating ones own reality in what ever form to me has meant stepping cognitively into the place that once was occupied by that 'God idea'. I cannot bring it back, though I do miss the mystical poetry of it .