Sunday, July 23, 2006

Frameworks 3/4

“I told you that there was a Framework 3 and mentioned a Framework 4 some time ago. You must understand that I am making distinctions for your benefit.

“Framework 2 is connected with the creativity and vitality of your world. In your terms, the dead waken in Framework 2 and move through it to Framework 3, where they can be aware of their reincarnational identities and connection with time, while being apart from a concentration upon earth realities. In those terms, the so-called dead dip in and out of earth probabilities by traveling through Framework 2, and into those probabilities connected with earth realities.

“Some others may wind up in Framework 4, which is somewhat like Framework 2, except that it is a creative source for other kinds of realities not physically oriented at all and outside of, say, time concepts as you are used to thinking of them. In a way impossible to describe verbally, some portion of each identity also resides in Framework 4, and in all other Frameworks.” [Jane Roberts, The God of Jane, Chapter 13, Seth on the Big Flats Affair, p. 129.]

“I should also note that Seth has made one short, rather mysterious reference to the existence of Frameworks 3 and 4. Two days after he’d first talked about his concept of Frameworks 1 and 2, he came through with the following statement in another private session. Jane and I have yet to ask him to elaborate upon it: ‘There is, incidentally, a Framework 3 and a Framework 4, in the terms of our discussion – but all such labels are, again, only for the sake of explanation. The realities are merged’.” [Jane Roberts, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, p. 71.]

“... While our meetings take place in your time, and in the physical space of your house, say, the primary encounter must be a subjective inner one, an intersection of consciousnesses that is then physically experienced.

“The encounters themselves occur in a Framework 3 environment. That framework of course, again in terms of an analogy, exits another step away from your own Framework 2. I do not want to get into a higher-or-lower hierarchy here, but the frameworks represent spheres of action. Our encounters initially take place, then, beyond the sphere that deals exclusively with either your physical world or the inner mental and psychic realm from which your present experience springs.” [Jane Roberts, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, p. 88.]

“I should note that Seth has briefly – very briefly – referred to the existence of Frameworks 3 and 4. He says, I believe, that initially his encounters with Jane take place in a Framework 3 environment. It’s my own guess that Framework 4 might involve our communication – through the first three frameworks – with some of those nonhuman probable realities I mentioned not long ago.

“But if the interactions between or among frameworks exist for everybody, in our terms, then as far as I’m concerned they exist for each thing as well – and I do mean the so-called ‘inanimate.’ (This isn’t the place to go into it, but Seth maintains that for many reasons we arbitrarily decide what’s living and nonliving.) Each reincarnational self, each counterpart self and probable self has its complement of frameworks. So does the most minute living or nonliving entity and the most gigantic. So, ‘probably,’ do most of the far-out probable realities one can imagine – for I won’t go so far as to deny that some probable realities may exist without such framework structures. Strange one-dimensional ‘flatlands’ indeed! But in each case where those framework interactions operate, they help each creation, each presence, each essence or vital principle fulfill ‘a larger picture that the conscious mind may not be able presently to perceive.’ In ways I can’t even begin to describe here, all frameworks must ultimately be joined within the ineffable context of All That Is.” [Jane Roberts, Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, Vol. 1, p. 68.]