Tuesday, July 18, 2006

What Mind, what value fulfilment?

nce before I posted the evocative TSM quote about the many minds, the many intelligences that are native to Self. I haven’t written as many posts last 10 days because I entered phase of an emotional-image based perceptions of the world. It was highly feelin and sensitive but not a sea of Oneness or cosmic mush. It was far more interactive and purposeful than a descent into a warm porridge . This state was bright, fractal, symphonic and vigorous. Living within the emotion-image phenomenology evoked and created a different type of world. I'm aware that I don’t recognise a world beyond my experience of it. Everything outside of that experience is ‘data’ or assumptions about things that ‘exist’ and what is the ‘real’.

This perceptual system causes me to question my notion of self. “ I think therefore I am”-“ I perceive therefore I am”-“ I witness there for..” all relating to a type of perception being implicated within my notion of Self. Even with parts of Buddhism, a mythological structure I like (in places), there wasn’t a new form of Self, utterly unlike anything I knew that I could become. All the Buddhists states, in my experience of them still took as a point of reference 'being human', but only a certain form of humanness i.e ego-self. Eevn this is based upon rigid patterns of 5 sense perception. Transcending 'the ego' still set the parameters and the starting point for the structure.

But what if I am not That to begin with.

Living a week using this emotion-image modality reminds me of my initial thoughts on hierarchy a mode of percieving, shaping and categorising’ that which is perceived. That that mind ( set) created what it perceived, even as it understood. The hierachical model created the terrain. While I see that a certain a type intelligence is given expression through this mode the model like the physical senses create camoflague. There is no objective outside but that the physical senses make the outside, 'the real' so. The answer to the question where do the colours go when the lights go out is- down the rabbit hole. This isn’t a koan but it is the resolution.

In emotion-image modality ( or mind) reality is composed of and experienced as something akin to listening to sounds. More that than a pattern of objective objects or events with spaces or time lags between.

Is this then beginning of disentanglement from traditional camflague. Unknown realities are here, not ‘somewhere’ to travel to. Not that I didn’t feel like me. But I was aware that the emotion-image modality as one of the many minds has a vastly different intelligence, logic and above allvalue fulfilment .I thought I had a very clear value fulfilment range of possibilities.Which I do, depending on what I decide I am.

The link is not made in TSM between what mind and what value fulfilment. But the thoughts generated as idea complexes within the material grow. There is more material at the end of the sentences . Or rather the sentences do not end at the objective full stop.